Ameen A. Hassen
Head: Shari’ah Banking
Standard Bank South Africa
Ameen left school at the age of 14 to complete the memorization of the Qur’an in Arabic. He did not go back to formal schooling but pursued traditional Islamic Studies and Arabic under numerous reputable scholars in around South Africa while completing his Grade 11 and 12 through a correspondence college. He holds a Diploma in Islamic Banking from CIMA; a Post-Grad in Islamic Finance and Banking, he holds the designation of CIFE (Certificate Islamic Finance Executive) and has also been through Stanford University’s Corporate Venturing and Innovation program. He is currently completing an MPhil through GIBS.
He entered the corporate financial services industry in 2007 in Islamic Banking and has since experienced various, cross-cutting aspects of financial services and at the age of 30 was tasked with the end-to-end development and implementation of the Shari’ah Banking capability at Standard Bank and has been responsible for the ideation, incubation and scaling of the Shari’ah Banking business at Standard Bank, the largest bank in Africa by Assets.